Reincarnated as an Undead Skylande...by Wolfgang
Death... Sometimes you can't escape from it. It just lurks around every corner, even in your own house. Everywhere you go, everywhere you went, we all experience from it...
Doom Raider Headcanonsby Genre Productions
Hello, in this I'll be explaining the headcanons of the Doom Raiders you'll be seeing before you. So if you watched my channel expect to see what you saw on here. 😉
Skylanders Ring of Heroes - Rifts...by Wolfgang
Skylands. A wonderous world filled with magic and adventure. An endless expanse of clouds and fantastic floating islands. At the center of the world sits the Core of Lig...
skylanders characters x reader one...by Fandomnerd123
Welcome to the oneshot book, where you can read about your favorite skylander or skylander villain, what will happen will be based on the chapter that await your arrival.
Dr Krankcase X Shy female readerby Chubby Feraligatr
A little love story about my favourite Skylander
Questions for Krankcase by 🍣Sushi🍣
Hello random people reading this! this is where you can ask our beloved Kranky any questions.