Palavra Stories

21 Stories

A Message From Dad To You - Part 2 by RicardoBarbosa554
A Message From Dad To You - Part 2by Ricardo
Preface I have had fantastic experiences with our Lord for some time now. He has spoken highly in my heart, showing things that my eyes have not yet seen. Through th...
The wages of sin is death by RicardoBarbosa554
The wages of sin is deathby Ricardo
Preface For some time now I have had fantastic experiences with our Lord. He has spoken greatly into my heart, showing me things that my eyes had not yet seen. Throu...
Phrases inspired by the Holy Spirit - Part 1 by RicardoBarbosa554
Phrases inspired by the Holy Ricardo
Preface For some time now I have had fantastic experiences with our Lord. He has spoken greatly into my heart, showing me things that my eyes had not yet seen. Throu...
DEVOCIONAL | SALMOS 50:23 by anitammartins
DEVOCIONAL | SALMOS 50:23by Anita Martins
"Aquele que oferece o sacrifício de louvor me glorificará; e àquele que bem ordena o seu caminho eu mostrarei a salvação de Deus." Salmos 50:23
UNDERSTANDING MY CALL by RicardoBarbosa554
Preface I have had some fantastic experiences with our Lord for some time now. He has spoken greatly in my heart, showing things my eyes had not yet seen. Through th...
One verse a day - Part 2 - July to December by RicardoBarbosa554
One verse a day - Part 2 - July Ricardo
Preface I have had fantastic experiences with our Lord for some time now. He has spoken highly in my heart, showing things that my eyes have not yet seen. Through th...
One verse a day - Part 1 - January to June by RicardoBarbosa554
One verse a day - Part 1 - Ricardo
Preface I have had fantastic experiences with our Lord for some time now. He has spoken highly in my heart, showing things that my eyes have not yet seen. Through th...
Acts 29 The miracles are not over by RicardoBarbosa554
Acts 29 The miracles are not overby Ricardo
Preface This book is different from the others I've written. Here we are going to relate things that the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit have been doing these days. Ev...
LEIA ANTES QUE EU ESCONDA by FabricioAlbuquerque1
LEIA ANTES QUE EU ESCONDAby Fabrício Albuquerque
Olá pessoal do Wattpad, deixarei aqui alguns textos que vão compor o meu novo livro de poesia. Por favor registrem nos comentários o que acham de cada texto. A sua contr...
Leituras das Palavras de Deus by tiinalee6
Leituras das Palavras de Deusby Igreja de Deus Todo-Poderoso...
Em breve, uma apresentação coral em larga escala "Hino do Reino: O reino desce ao mundo"! (Mais de 300 irmãos e irmãs estão dançando juntos de alegria no mesmo...
BÍBLIA NTLH by LucasDuarte2015
BÍBLIA NTLHby Lucas Duarte
Authority Every Child Needs by RicardoBarbosa554
Authority Every Child Needsby Ricardo
Preface For some time now I have had fantastic experiences with our Lord. He has spoken greatly into my heart, showing me things that my eyes had not yet seen. Throu...
DEVOCIONAL | MATEUS 11:28 by anitammartins
DEVOCIONAL | MATEUS 11:28by Anita Martins
"Vinde a mim, todos os que estais cansados e oprimidos, e eu vos aliviarei." Mateus 11:28
Phrases inspired by the Holy Spirit - Part 2 by RicardoBarbosa554
Phrases inspired by the Holy Ricardo
Preface For some time now I have had fantastic experiences with our Lord. He has spoken greatly into my heart, showing me things that my eyes had not yet seen. Throu...
Do you know Jesus? by RicardoBarbosa554
Do you know Jesus?by Ricardo
Preface For some time now I have had fantastic experiences with our Lord. He has spoken greatly into my heart, showing me things that my eyes had not yet seen. Throu...
Aforismo sobre Escrever II by portaldanielalobo
Aforismo sobre Escrever IIby Daniela Lobo
Reflexão sobre o significado da escrita.