To Dream a Dream!by Robert Reddic III
Do you have dreams that others wouldn't understand no matter how well you explained them to others? I do!
What I Want to Leave!by Robert Reddic III
I want more for my children than I have had in my life!
Marry Me!by Robert Reddic III
Do you ever wish to find that special someone that will make you the happiest? Even when you're at your worst?
Your Power!by Robert Reddic III
Take your power back from anyone that you have given it to. Your power comes from within yourself!
Lena Waithe!by Robert Reddic III
Happy birthday to this great writer, actor and producer and so much more, Lena Waithe!
Gotta Find You!by Robert Reddic III
Have you been trying to find a way to become successful? Searching everywhere for greatness? Me too. Once I get it I'm not sharing!
Be You!by Robert Reddic III
Don't worry about what others think. Live your life for you. Enjoy you. Love you. Be you!
My Burden!by Robert Reddic III
In life we have things that we carry....Sometimes they're our own issues....sometimes they're others issues....Either way they become a burden of our own!
The God In Me!by Robert Reddic III
Do you believe that you are able to overcome anything? That the part of you that is touched by God has the ability to do anything?
Kind Words!by Robert Reddic III
Your words to someone struggling.... Could really help them in their time of keep!
Black Woman!by Robert Reddic III
Nothing like a black woman. From her head to her feet, no one else can compete!
My Place!by Robert Reddic III
I firmly believe that I am where I am supposed to be, and that God has something special waiting for me around the corner!
Self Proclamation!by Robert Reddic III
Do you ever prioritize yourself over others? Do you ever give yourself credit for the good you do? Do you chase your dreams?
You Are For Me!by Robert Reddic III
Have you found that one special person yet that you feel was put on earth especially for you? I haven't lol, but hopefully one day I will!
In the Midst!by Robert Reddic III
How do you react when things aren't going your way? How do you treat other people when you have things always go your way?
Infatuation!by Robert Reddic III
Do you ever find yourself stuck on someone? Someone you might not even know well? Someone that may not even know you exist?
Father's Day!by Robert Reddic III
To all the wonderful fathers out there celebrating our day, hats off to you. We earned this day!