The Quran: A Critical Reviewby Eli-of-Kittim
The Quran uses many different apocryphal and pseudepigraphical Jewish and Christian texts that were never accepted into the Bible. It also alters and distorts the Biblic...

The Genesis 6 Oracle: The Birth of...by Eli-of-Kittim
Genesis 6 is a prophecy about the birth of the gods at the end of days, namely, Christ and Antichrist!

Η Γέννηση, ο θάνατος, και η Ανάστα...by Eli-of-Kittim
Η υποτιθέμενη ιστορικότητα του Ιησού πρέπει να επανεξεταστεί, δεδομένου ότι η μόνη παρουσία του πρόκειται να πραγματοποιηθεί στο τέλος του κόσμου! Κατά συνέπεια, αυτή η...

Answering Tuvia Pollack's "Jesus...by Eli-of-Kittim
Does the Greek name for Jesus (Ἰησοῦs) in the New Testament come from the Hebrew Yeshua or from Greek sources? This paper explores this topic.

Polytheism Versus Monotheismby Eli-of-Kittim
There are many robust philosophical arguments that assert a first cause regarding everything that has been created in the universe!

Are the Four Living Creatures of R...by Eli-of-Kittim
There's no Biblical evidence that God created any other alien life-forms. God's plan of redemption is exclusively for human beings. The entire universe will be destroyed...

Who Are the 144,000 and What is th...by Eli-of-Kittim
The symbolic 144,000 saved believers represent both the living & the resurrected "elect" who will be raptured *after* the Great Tribulation! In other words, th...

Jesus is a Gentile: The Evidence f...by Eli-of-Kittim
There is strong evidence in the Gospels, and elsewhere, that Jesus is not a Jew but a Gentile.

Is Christ Asking Us to Hate Ourse...by Eli-of-Kittim
Christ doesn't teach us to hate our father and mother, and ourselves, but rather to love them, and our self, less than Christ. In fact, Jesus teaches us to love others a...

The Evolution of a Gentile Messiah...by Eli-of-Kittim
There are various thematic motifs in both the Old and New Testament that allude to the coming of a Gentile messiah. But we must read between the lines because the intend...

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit by Eli-of-Kittim
The baptism of the Holy Spirit refers to a Spirit baptism or a "conversion experience" where an individual has a personal existential encounter with the power...

The Seventy Weeks of Daniel 9: A C...by Eli-of-Kittim
Most writers think that the 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel is referring to the time of the Babylonian exile. However, a close reading of the text strongly suggests that it'...

Was the Septuagint Destroyed When...by Eli-of-Kittim
Many Jewish apologists dislike the disproportionate competition between the more recent masoretic text (of which the oldest known complete copy dates to the 11th century...

What is the Abomination of Desolat...by Eli-of-Kittim
Most Biblical commentators view the "abomination of desolation" as a "religious" sacrilege, akin to the one perpetrated by Antiochus IV Epiphanes in...

Has the Bible Become an Obstacle t...by Eli-of-Kittim
Unfortunately, as important as the Bible is, it has become an obstacle to our salvation. It has supplanted regeneration and the spiritual experience of the supernatural...

Is Open Theism Biblical?by Eli-of-Kittim
Open Theism challenges the classical Christian view of God's foreknowledge by claiming that God may not really know the future exhaustively.

8 Disputations on Modern Christian...by Eli-of-Kittim
The NT is an apocalypse, not a history. NT evidence suggests that the knowledge of Christ's coming was communicated beforehand to preselected witnesses through the agenc...