Four girls from different backgrounds meet for a sleepover that turns out to be a session where they come to terms with events of their own pasts. Keisa is a swimmer who was unable to find love in it after a bad match up in a relay and manages to find love for it once more when she watches a certain anime inspiring her to swim once more. Kira, a quiet girl who loves books more than people finds herself on a team she couldn't get along and has to find ways to contribute to the team as their progress through tennis nationals as she questions herself on what a team is all about. Sonya is a bubbly girl who often uses power more than brains and when she finds herself falling behind her teammates in fencing, she is torn between wondering to quit the sport forever or to continue pushing on with the help of her brother and coach. Cassie suffered from bullying as a child due to social and language barriers which extended to her being able to practice martials arts but when she sees a demonstration for her college jiu jutsu club, she is determined to take part in this martial art even as she faces many more hurdles along the way in obtaining her yellow belt. As four friends from different pathways meet, they learn more about one another and come to terms with the challenges they had in their respective sports to become the athletes they are today.