This is a collection of... starts of stories I never finished. I'm not sure when I originally wrote them, probably over the span of multiple years in high school and junior college. I actually found most of these in a notebook with an explanation of what they were - I'll include that note from probably about 15 years ago or so on the first "Chapter" and publish it along with the first part. Most of my stories on this profile I mark as "All Rights Reserved", but these... most I don't know where I was taking them, and even if I do remember (or made a note) I have no intention of finishing myself. So, feel free to! I offer these up to you, whoever may come across them, to complete these stories! All I ask is that you mention me (as Monkeeshrines or Czarraah Zeiner, either is fine) either as "story starter" if you use my actual story stump, or inspiration if you take the concept and give it your own start and everything. Y'know, like Creative Commons (is that how I use that copyright attribution? I didn't get it from them, but I'm offering it similarly...)