In the year 2030, a massive outbreak of an unknown virus ravages the whole whole land of Equestria, transforming all the human hosts into aggressive creatures known as the Infected. This story tells the tale of the survivor named Applejack and Rainbow dash as they work together to survive their westward journey across what remains of the country to find a possible cure for the new unknown virus that has nearly decimated the entire human race. The two female teens despite and hates each other at first but as the two carry on with their journey, they developed a strange romantic bond between them, a bond called love? The only problem is, in order to make a possible cure for the rest of human kind, there must be a sacrifice of a loved one that Applejack cant agree. Will the two survive this current outbreak? or will the clan of soldiers named 'Shadowbolts' assassinate them one.. by.. one?
19 parts