
im deleting my account. there is some mean people on here! I just dont know how to delete...but basicaly im not going on here anymore. Bye people. my mommy is stilll using hers but she mad because those mean people are mean to me and they threaten me.


@--JasieeMariee--  Awww I'm so sorry they did that to u


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You know, the shit people will say for attention. she is freaking four years old! How dare they just go after my child like that? they said horrible things, stuff I never want her to see or hear. so she is never going on thus account again or wattpad again until she gets older.  I'm just disgusted.


im deleting my account. there is some mean people on here! I just dont know how to delete...but basicaly im not going on here anymore. Bye people. my mommy is stilll using hers but she mad because those mean people are mean to me and they threaten me.


@--JasieeMariee--  Awww I'm so sorry they did that to u