
I'm so happy to be able to reach 1k votes altogether. I never been more happy in my life. Thanks for everyone who voted! lots of love Xoxo British-Angel Xoxo


I have a question 


Yes. I enjoy watching them!  


@British-Angel their so amazing am I right 


@Tactilechalie5 Yes I do actually. I watch their channels and separate channels


I've been planning to move with my girlfriend (and hopefully one day wife) to London in the next couple of years (because i thought me and her should save up more money just in case something happens). Do you have any pro-tips for living there? Like is it very expensive compared to where me and her currently live? How much money should i need to bring to be enough for the both of us. 


Yes I am fleeing America as I would rather shoot myself than live in a country with Trump as the leader. I just checked google right now and before Brexit, the pound was worth a lot more than the dollar and now one USD equals £0.76. 


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@Saikatsu101 Well lol... Im assuming your american so your fleeing to get away from trump. But at the moment since the brexit thing ill advice you to not move here till we are financially stable again. The pro tips is that mostly everyone is shit  except to foreigners. If i knew how much a dollar is to a pound. I believe you can google that