/    *      new concept horror account. 
          	      cb for one-liner


 ゙  ╱    yesssss 


"And who might you be. . ?"
          The very tall animatronic looked down at the female, head tilted almost uncomfortably to the side.


[[ _- @-CHILLINGS -_ ]]
            "Even 'animatronic' sounds less insulting at this point."


(  @springisms  ) 
            well.../ i / prefer robot cause that's what you are.


[[ _- @-CHILLINGS -_ ]]
            ". . . I prefer the term, 'revenant.'"


: : ah, apologies that this is so late!
          Loud music easily came from the sin's nightclub, music that played but seemed to come from everywhere and vibrate your chest and heart. People danced some with drinks in their hands with drunken smiles , others sat down and did other things in the shadows. The owner , the sin, had climbed down from the bar's counter laying on the cool marble with a smile that caught attention along with little whispers and questions. Stepping down he made his way through the crowd eyes focusing on his office that sat above everything. Lips coming to a thin line bumping into someone. " Apologies are you alright? " voice was smooth like honey and velvet.


(  @deadlyIust  ) 
            /    *    it's cool xD
            emma was high out of her mind. she had run away from home an good two or so hours ago and had only begun her divulge in drinking. her friends had dragged her down here after their annual ritual and smoke and now she was here , in this booming night club filled with guys , and even a couple girls , oogling her. 
            she could barley take a good few steps with stumbling , so it came as no surprise that she ran into someone.
            the girl groaned , teetering back as she hit someone. she touched her already busted lip and chuckled faintly , still not quite there. she looked in front of her and saw the fuzzy outline of a man before her. she giggled. 
            " hi. " she said drunkenly.


If       you       don’t      mind.    ,     could      you          move ?


(  @glitchedhrs  )  
            i  do  mind  ,   so  no.


(  @phonecallings  ) 
            * she crossed her legs , smoke already billowing around her face as she took in the room * freddy what now ? * she looked to her , tilting her head * huh , do you guys have bears here ?


(  @phonecallings  ) 
            *  she smiled and plucked it from his hand before leaning back to sit back in a seat. she snapped open her lighter from her back pocket and lit the end *   thanks. * she blew out and looked at her *  so  ,  where am i exactly  ?