ੈ✩‧₊˚ Querencia will be unpublished for a few days. I will upload it again soon. ੈ✩‧₊˚


ੈ✩ why do Rich people name their kids some crazy names. Like my name is Haley, it’s boring but I’d rather have a name that can be for an adult than AFTERNOON or OCTOBER LMAO ੈ✩


@Kaliyah314 not sure, but hopefully soon!<3


@LaineyJones36923 RIGHT and I saw someone trying to name their kid “Baby” 


TikTok being banned makes me upset. These old ass politicians fix every so-called “issue” instead of the real ones America has. Be so fr and get these old people out of the politics ! 


@sannelovestee exactly! They’re too focused on dumb “issues” than the real ones


@unstablewithoutmusic rightttt!! They need an age limit with these “politicians”


fr bro it’s so much going on in this country but tik tok is a problem??? ridiculous 


ੈ✩hey guys im a senior in hs so I’ve been very busy with tests and preparing to graduate. I’m not sure if I’ll continue my book Querencia since I’m not sure if anyone enjoys it ?? However if you guys do I will be glad to continue! ੈ✩


@gvbssxx awww tysmmm!!! That’s truly the best compliment<3 thank you so much and I’ll definitely keep writing ❤️


Omg no please wth continue writing!! Your books are literally THE BEST, I hope you keep making more in the future because you’re so incredibly talented fr 


@angeljenes Tysmmm! And I definitely will try and update this weekend, I’m glad you enjoy it <333


          Thank you so much for following me! 
          I'm always open to supporting fellow writers on their creative journey. 
          Please don't hesitate to reach out - I would love to connect and collaborate with you. 


@The__Tourtured__Poet Of courseee!!❤️✨✨Have an amazing day !


my march and April have been so shitty. 


@isabellaluvsyou14 Tysmmm love<33 I will definitely be finishing my books but thanks for all the support and kindness <3


@LaineyJones36923 tysmmm! You have been amazing to me, Ty<33


I’m sorry girl. Put yourself first, you deserve to have some time to yourself too <3