
MOVING ACCOUNTS --> StrawberryMoonChild
          	This account will purely be for writing, as I really want to try to publish a novel one day. I hope to see you all there as I rewrite Alpha Robert, as well as move on to new ventures!


Hello to everyone!  I’ve gotten a few new notifications for my story lately, so few things:
          - Hi new followers!  Welcome!  I’m really bad at updating, so sorry in advance!
          - Speaking of bad at updating...hi again, that’s me!  I’ve been busy with school and one of my pups recently had surgery, and so her aftercare for that is constant.  I haven’t been writing much, though that’s more because of school.  Sorry!
          - I have lots of story ideas for the future!  They’re all roughly sketched out for characters and story, but writing them and covers could take a HOT minute.  So please hold tight with me as I start my crazy universe.  Like...we’re talking a generational universe here.  Good stuff.
          If you’re still reading this post then you’re dedicated af, so thank you.  I want to update soon and will work on that, but school does come first for me.  Thank you all for you’re support, and I look forward to seeing your thoughts in the future on what’s to come. 


          Honestly it’s a combination of me focusing on other things, and thing happening to me/family members, but I’ve literally been thinking about plots for multiple stories lately and I need to start writing them down more in notebooks.  Oof.


I’d like to apologize for being so inactive!  A lot has been happening in my life, all of which prevented me from writing and focusing on updating.  I really am sorry, but hopefully writing will pick back up shortly if things smooth out soon.  Thank you. 


I finished your book in a day. Can't wait for update


@Catzread2 Oh my gosh, thank you so much!  That means a lot to me tbh. :)
            One of my classes is ending this week so hopefully that will give me more time to write/update!


I SWEAR I'm going to update soon.  This next chapter just keeps getting longer and longer -- I have 12 pages on Word right now, but it should (maybe, provided with homework) be done kinda soon.  Hopefully worth it in the end for the smut?