
After an extended hiatus, "Who Said A Hikikomori Can't be Classy?" has returned with a brand new chapter and cover! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° Thank you to those who have been following and waiting on this story~


Hi! ^.^


@-Kisaki- Yay! I’d definitely read it! :)


@LightNovelsProject Oh, you are right...(´・ᴗ・ ` ) I have been inactive for a while, but I'm planning to pick up my writing again soon!


@-Kisaki- Woah! You’re active T^T I feel like you have been inacitve


i love your stories! keep on updating 


@-Kisaki- you're very welcome! don't change the title, i got interested to read your story from it 


@MeiLingYi Thank you so much for reading! I've been feeling a bit sick these days, so I haven't edited the new chapters yet, but rest assured, they will be up soon! ( ´ ▽ ` )/ Once again, thank you for the support and all the lovely comments on "Who Said a Hikikomori Can't be Classy?"
            (on a side note, I should probably make an abbreviation for that title sometime, ehehe~(´・ᴗ・ ` ) )


( ´ ▽ ` )/ Ahhh, finally caught up with all of the notifications! Sorry to keep everyone waiting, but you'll definitely be seeing updates of my CPNs soon! Hehe, look out for those~~ °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° Btw, Happy belated Chinese New Year to those who celebrate it~~


A-ah! Hello there (≧∇≦)/, ehm.. I do really love your bio & books, I know it's no use of me being here on this amazing profile compared to mine (゚⊿゚). 
          But I just came across this profile and but.. just keep up the good work on your books! 
          Have a great day~
          -Xin ♡ 


@xincerely Ah, I didn't mean for it to sound negative... ( ´ ω ` ) 
            Ahaha, I guess that came out a lot more serious than I had hoped? I just thought that your bio was very nicely done, and I could learn a thing or two from it! (๑> ₃ <) But thank you~~ Hope you have a nice day as well!


Ah.. don't be negative about your books or profile! It's a really cute bio btw~
            Thank you for the kind words about my profile I really do appreciate it!
            Good day~


@xincerely My my, I did not expect this at all~ (*´▽`*) Thank you so much for taking interest in my books! I really do appreciate the lovely message~~ And please don't feel the need to compare our profiles, because yours is super adorable! I wish I could write such a unique bio too~ (´• ω •`) 
            If I had to be honest, I feel mine is a bit too long and dull for an introduction~