
          	My time has come
          	The time we all fear 
          	At least I hope,
          	I will be miss
          	No tear should be shed 
          	No anger shall be held 
          	I made amazing best friends 
          	Some who will never be forgotten 
          	Nor our memories 
          	Peaked don't weep
          	As I'm doing you 
          	All a favor 


          There will be a day
          Where I give up 
          Pushing everyone 
          Who does me good
          I make mistakes 
          Mistakes that can't be fix
          I harm my people 
          And myself 
          They say "what's wrong"
          They say "why push me away"
          But most of all they say "why"
          I don't know the answers 
          But soon I will
          Until then
          I'm stuck in this body
          Stuck in this mind
          Stuck in this dark


"Hugs and kisses 
          Best friends forever,
          You tell me
          Pink sweaters
          And bracelets
          Always telling secrets
          At slumber party
          Not trying to point any fingers
          But I heard the whispers 
          Going around 
          Just making the facts clear
          That I have found
          That you're the gossip girl
          I thought you were real to me
          The gossip girl
          But you're just plastic, girl
          Shinny plastic hard shell
          Don't give in the gossip girl
          We were closer than sisters 
          I was the miss to your mister 
          You were the light to my fixture 
          I was the frame to your picture 
          We were closer than sisters 
          I was the miss to your mister 
          You were the light to my fixture 
          I was the frame to your picture
          But you're the gossip girl
          I thought you were real to me
          The gossip girl
          But you're just plastic, girl
          Shinny plastic hard shell
          Don't give in the gossip girl
          Gossip girl 
          I thought you were real to me
          The gossip girl
          But you're just plastic, girl
          Shinny plastic hard shell
          Don't give in the gossip girl
          Gossip girls they always 
          Seem to talk the talk
          About you
          Gossip girls they always 
          Seem to talk the talk
          But never tell the truth
          That you're the gossip girl
          I thought you were real to me
          The gossip girl
          But you're just plastic, girl
          Shinny plastic hard shell
          Don't give in the gossip girl
          Gossip girl
          I thought you were real to me
          The gossip girl
          But you're just plastic, girl
          Shinny plastic hard shell
          Don't give in the gossip girl
          Gossip girls"  -Gossip girl