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No actually shut the fuck up are you joking this is the greatest thing 


          i went to comic con all three days this weekend, and it was SO cool I actually can't even. Obviously I went as Spiderman too, which was awesome. And then on Saturday I got to get a picture with Charlie Cox and went to his panel, then on Sunday I got to get a picture with Skeet Ulrich and Matthew Lillard and I think my life is complete???


Yo yo what's up my people. Sorry I haven't posted anything in a hot minute. I lost motivation for a bit and then just as I wanted to write again I hurt my finger so I couldn't type for a while, and now that my finger's better and I have motivation, I have actually zero time to write because of summer camps, and just being super busy. So I apologize, and hopefully I'll be able to get something out in the next month or so once all my camps slow down.


          I wanted to ask when or if you continue your Fnaf the musical Fanfic I really would love to read more chapters of it. I think it is very good and I like the story Idee. Hope you will continue it 


            Thanks! My writing style is years in the making, so I'm honestly proud of it.


Thanks for answering my question. I am happy to hear that it means a lot to you. I really like your writing style. I am also glad to that you plan to continue the story


            Hi! Thank you, that means a lot! I do have plans to work on it more actually, however it IS kinda just a background project.