
Hello there, welcome to my corner of the internet! You can call me Seoul. It is actually not my true name. I conceal my real name for privacy reasons. I am a student who loves to write and read! I also play piano and violin competitively. I do not follow anyone unless I know them and are friends with them in real life. Sorry! 😐
Warrior Cats Original Character (OC): Lunarstar
Description: lithe black she-cat with dark brown eyes and a splash of gold fur on her hindquarters, crescent moon shaped mark on her forehead
Personality: kind, loving, happy
Character traits: trustworthy, intelligent, knowledgeable
Scratch Profile: SeoulAtNight https://www.scratch.mit.edu/users/SeoulAtNight/
  • United States of America
  • शामिल हुएApril 2, 2020

Seoul की कहानियाँ
-SeoulAtNight- द्वारा How I Met My Friends
How I Met My Friends
Sometimes it is nice to write down how you met each and every one of your current friends, because it increas...
-SeoulAtNight- द्वारा Star Touched
Star Touched
Azalea was named after a beautiful flowering bush that grew outside her house. The bush had been there for ma...
2 पठन सूचियाँ