
;; HeADcAnoN TiMe— Nicole is really short and has to usually look up at people when talking to them. It's pretty funny actually since she often gets mistaken for a 16 y/o and is sometimes stopped before buying alcohol at a bar.


;; HeADcAnoN TiMe— Nicole is really short and has to usually look up at people when talking to them. It's pretty funny actually since she often gets mistaken for a 16 y/o and is sometimes stopped before buying alcohol at a bar.


;; *ahem* 69 followers ;)
          Anyways— cb for starters! ÙwÚ


            ;; I just saw this because Wattpad is being a bitch with the notifications—
            But sure! I'll send you one right away


@-MMEDITERRANEAN ▐  **  owo  ?  is it too late to ask for one  ?