
I was so proud of my sfx makeup last night that its almost worth a face reveal just to show you guys.


"You're bleeding and your heartbeat's fast. What's going on."


            Stark admitting he needed help ? This was a red flag. A flag as red as his blood. Steven crouched down in front of the other man. Although his face was blank, his mind buzzed with possibilities of helping the other. He took off his leather jacket, before crumpling it up into a messy ball and pressing it against the wound in Stark's abdomen. "How'd it happen," he demanded to know, eyes flicking up to the other. 


            "I could be wrong but I think Ive been impaled." he grunted, attempting to mask the pain with sarcasm. He held his side tightly as he collapsed against the wall, hands doing nothing to sway the flow. "I may need a bit of assistance with this one."


"Get out of my way."


"Need some help." Her voice was flat, but it was a question. Before she aimed two hand guns at said male. "Or a kick in your balls." She suggested, the mask covering half of her face hiding the slightest hint of a tiny smile.


            "I'm sorry but I cant seem to make my feet move." He teased, not bothering to hide his amusement. "Perhaps it's the hostility I'm sensing."


"Not in the mood. Move." The usually monotone voice now actually let through some faked irritation as grey orbs looked at the person infront of her.


Life has been very overwhelming these last few days but I am still here and I promise anyone who has sent me something WILL get a reply. In the midst of all the crazy there was one upside. I got a kitten today. Her name is Witcher. (First time pet owner over here and I'm so clueless. Cue google search!)<3


@-StarkReality Aww how adorable!! If you have any questions I could give you some answers! I have two cats of my own ❤️


" sir , i think you got the wrong house. "


[ @-StarkReality ]
            " he ‘s not here at the moment. "


            "The parker place is actually exactly where I need to be. I'm looking for peter?"


[ @-StarkReality ]
            " this is the parker residence. where were you headed ? "