
Types of girls in school:
          	Introverted possibly depressed artists
          	Popular smart nice girls
          	One controlling mean girl
          	The fake depressed/suicidal ones
          	The actual depressed ones
          	The one that hangs with boys a lot
          	The fgirl
          	The one that everyone is "friends" ith but is talked about behind back all the time
          	The awkward ones
          	Which one are YOU?


Types of girls in school:
          Introverted possibly depressed artists
          Popular smart nice girls
          One controlling mean girl
          The fake depressed/suicidal ones
          The actual depressed ones
          The one that hangs with boys a lot
          The fgirl
          The one that everyone is "friends" ith but is talked about behind back all the time
          The awkward ones
          Which one are YOU?


Wattpad Self-Given Q&A
          Q: Will "He's A Yandere" ever make it to 3k? 
          A: Doubt it lol
          Q: Will I write again?
          A: probably not bts. I really only read that stuff, even then, not so much
          Q: am I suicidal?
          A: nah
          Q: do I believe everyone deserves a second chance
          A: no
          Q: do you have a favorite serial killer?
          A: I know it is weird but YEP. Initials; TB.
          Here are some self-given questions and some answers even tho no one cares lol
          i just wanted to feel wattpad famous for a sec