
hello ,, world . this is an announcement coming at you from @nekoatsuke . i would like to share the lovely news that Lenn is indeed well . her parents wont let her use social media because they believe its making her health go downhill . •crazy whistle•  but anywhoo . if you guys would like to contact her ,, her instagram is @/smolbeanlenn and thats all you can really contact her on . and she might not be online AS much on there as she was on wattpad . but ,, lets just rejoyce that shes well and alive ,, alright ? :)  ☁⛅
          	                     - atsuke❤


Wait, she was making covers for a lot of people, are they all canceled?


I hope she feels really well


; ;    hey, i know your on break. i'm sure everyone does by now. and you've even told me yourself. and i understand. i truly do. i feel bad that this social platform made your mental and physical health drop. but i hope your break helps it come back up. you're really missed by everyone. i plan on emailing you after i send this and i hope i don't annoy you like i have the previous times. just know we all love and miss you. 
          ~ atsuke ♡


hey, remember me? i used to be @AshStories24 but i’ve upgraded my account. are we still friends? ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ i love you  


            thank you so much for the message! 


 @kokokpop-  / -
            hey ash , it’s vanessa ! I just wanted to say that  lynn most likely still is your friend . the reason she hasn’t replied is because she is on a hiatus . it’s not because she  doesn’t want to be your friend or anything like that ! I come here like almost once a week to check if she has came back .