
Hi guys! So sorry its been so long!
          	I had a lot happen to me over the years and 2020 isn't doing me any favors either  its actually been pretty stressful and hard for me since I graduated back in June 2019.
          	I hope you can understand my absence from then till now, cause its not getting better for me any time soon..
          	If you'd like I'm probably gonna be more active on these two accounts; Courtney_Head-Layden that has two stories started but stopped cause I kept getting massive writers block and people weren't responding if they wanted to be in a story, and Little Wolf with a story in the making.
          	I'm not asking much of you guys other than understanding..
          	Thank you and enjoy your time here!


Hi guys! So sorry its been so long!
          I had a lot happen to me over the years and 2020 isn't doing me any favors either  its actually been pretty stressful and hard for me since I graduated back in June 2019.
          I hope you can understand my absence from then till now, cause its not getting better for me any time soon..
          If you'd like I'm probably gonna be more active on these two accounts; Courtney_Head-Layden that has two stories started but stopped cause I kept getting massive writers block and people weren't responding if they wanted to be in a story, and Little Wolf with a story in the making.
          I'm not asking much of you guys other than understanding..
          Thank you and enjoy your time here!


Hey everyone I'm back!
          I'd just like to say that on this account and my first one I'm unfortunately not gonna be that active anymore so if you could go check out my third one Courtney_Head-Layden that would mean a lot sine now I'm probably just gonna be using that one for now on


Here in Newfoundland you should start knowing this summer is just another word for winter and think 'yes bhy that's right' where it's cold here


Hi bon!


@BonnieBunnyGirl no problem *smiles sweetly*


Thanks same to you!


Should I start a drawing book and take requests? Let me know if I should it not if you do I will if you don't I won't make one


HeLlo NiGhtMaRe BoNnIe It'S GoOd To FiNd A FeLlOw NiGhtMaRe AnImAtRoNiC ArOuNd I'm NiGhTmAre If YoU AlReAdy KnOw (female version) 


well I'm a girl to dear so don't worry *smiles


@TatyannahD *tilts her had to the side* you know I'm a girl right?