
          	The private message feature should not be removed, it is an integral part of the app that many people use for many reasons. Many people prefer it to the message board, removing them is just a way to make the app even worse than it already is, and will probably cause more people to leave. Why would you remove something that every other app has, something that a lot of people use and something that makes it easier to connect with people and actually have friendships, or talk to people about things you’d rather not be public knowledge, it is the destruction of the heart and soul in your app.
          	Copy and paste if you agree


          The private message feature should not be removed, it is an integral part of the app that many people use for many reasons. Many people prefer it to the message board, removing them is just a way to make the app even worse than it already is, and will probably cause more people to leave. Why would you remove something that every other app has, something that a lot of people use and something that makes it easier to connect with people and actually have friendships, or talk to people about things you’d rather not be public knowledge, it is the destruction of the heart and soul in your app.
          Copy and paste if you agree


The woman sighed, sipping a glass of wine as she  watched the news. She was hoping for a story about a certain hero. Though, it had been weeks since the last one. Worry had and still racked her brain as she was scared that someone had kidnapped him. Or even worse. Attempts to find him had failed on her part. Coming up with nothing.


            The young woman nodded and rocked them a bit a one hand gently played with his hair in a soothing manner.  "They aren't here anymore.  I'll scar them off if they ever do." She whispered


            He seemed to shake lightly as he leaned into the hug, whimpering softly, arms wrapped around her back tightly, as if afraid to be ripped away again. “They were.. so scary” he mumbled


            Her arms immediately wrapped around him, pulling him close to herself. "Ok.. ok...." She whispered gently hugging him again. "No one is hurting u you while I'm here."


          The male had slowly nodded at the first words, it definitely was, though
          He had lightly panicked over the cover, a little shaky now, though he cleared his throat and stacked it with the other 3 “its- its okay.. its just.. they’re… not all mine, hopefully they understand” he had spoke 


          The blonde slowly nodded as she spoke glancing down, the book picked up was a fantasy novel,  he smiled slightly before taking it. A brow slightly raised as she spoke “oh- no, just, wanted to go outside somewhere to read” he spoke with a bit of a bashful smile, though staring at one of the books he’d dropped, the cover was damaged, which… he seemed more worried about than others would be.


          Oliver had gasped softly as he felt an impact, stumbling, a bunch of thin books he held falling onto the ground, instantly apologizing profusely and shakily rushing to gather them, checking them over quite worriedly, almost in a panicked nature before slowly glancing up as she spoke “oh-
          Ah- I-… but I- should’ve been l-looking where I was going.” He whispered swallowing nervously for a moment before whispering another soft “th-thank you”


"Oliver? It's almost 3 am. Why are you sneaking in?" The brunette asked eyebrow raised as she stood in the entry way, arms folded on her chest. Her clothes were still the one's from the day before and her jacket was on indicating she just had gotten in as well.


            She nodded. "Why was he on the train tracks? Did he get stuck?" She asked grabbing a zip lock and filling it with ice and then wrapping a towel around it. "Here, put this on your eye." She said before going to the fridge. "Anything in place you would like as a treat?"


            He had stared toward the floor for a moment, nervous she would scold him, before slowly looking up, smiling slightly as she spoke, giggling a bit at the soft motherly kiss on his forehead and then nodding as she finished “yea, I did, and I helped the kid too, he was stuck on some train tracks, I got to him just in time” he spoke smiling softly as he followed her to the kitchen.


            She paused at what he said. Blinking and thinking before smiling. "Well, that is a good excuse. Thank you for being the big and better man and helping that lady." She said softly and kissed his forhead. "And now let's get some ice on you eye and a treat for rescuing that girl. Did you happen to call the cops on him?" She said before asking him the question as she lead him to the kitchen.