
"I'm Yukihira Soma. And I'll be more than happy to answer any challenge"


" yatooooo..when are we ever going to get a hiyori ?? " yukine pouted, tilting his head to the side just a bit.


            Yato sighed but ruffled Yukine's hair "Well, you're here and that's all that matters now"


yukine let out a nervous chuckle, lightly kicking at the ground. " i, uh, don't really have an excuse . " 


            "I dunno.. It's not like I can just find one" Yato looked at the boy "and where have you been? I have been missing my regalia for weeks now"


"Yato, you should get me a sandwich." Yukine murmured, picking at his fingernails. 


Yukine gave Yato a look and then shook his head. "I'll just have to ask someone else,"


            "I never said that!" Yato crossed his arms


"So I'll never get my sandwich?" Yukine whined, obviously knowing at this point that Yato had no money.


Alright. Announcement. Kirito and I are.... Leaving for school on Sunday. Why? Cuz we're in.... *groans* Boarding school.... *sighs* And we won't be back till about October so I'm sorry to all who will miss me. Especially you Wolfie. I'll miss you lots, love. 


@__-YatoGod-__ Awwww I feel sorry for you dude,I wish you luck though 