
just saw the twisters movie and as someone who lives in tornado alley i was STRESSIN. but i’m proud of myself of working on my anxiety of movie theaters and thrillers lol.
          	10/10 would recommend :)


i’m going to try to have a posting schedule for my fic! im going to try to post chapters every thursday to the best of my ability! however i do work at a restaurant and my schedule is almost never the same. 
          my next day off is thursday and im going to try to write as much as i can that day, but that may mean chapters getting posted at weird times or days, but im aiming for one or two chapters a week!


i’m genuinely debating leaving wattpad, which hurts my heart but i cannot seem to gather the motivation or the joy to write my fics anymore.
          and honestly, as you all have probably noticed, it’s been this way for nearly 2 years. i no longer have the motivation to write for my fanfics or really even edit them. i don’t hardly read anymore either :/
          i love all my ocs dearly and while ill always want to write new fics and such i’m not sure i will continue down the fanfiction path.
          i’ve always dreamed of being a writer and i never want to give that up but i feel my time on this app is coming to a close as much as it pains me to say that.
          so for right now, this is goodbye.
          much love,
          angelicsoka <3


joe santagato is the new love of my life 


@nothingbutatrashyhoe he’s so husband and so babygirl at the same time