
hallå   its been awhile


@https-tokyo I'm honoured, and same goes for you! I hope you're doing alright wherever you are in the world  


I thought so as well, lol… the elusive https-tokyo makes his once-in-a-millenia wattpad appearance. Good to see you after so long  :)


@https-tokyo Oh my god!!?? I thought you had left wattpad for good! Welcome back dude!


Favorite Boba tea flavor gooooo— \(^ヮ^)/


            Aw I had something similar with the boba tea shop in the place I used to live, they're still open but I wasn't able to go there often, too expensive for me ^^; 
            Boba tea is so good but goddamn... it eats a hole in my wallet


            That sounds literally SO amazing! 
            I feel you tho, boba is so freaking expensive T.T
            There used to be this cool little cafe downtown that was Harry Potter themed and served all sorts of boba. It was so amazing— like— the decor, the boba, the atmosphere— it was so homely and warm and a perfect hang-out spot after school. 
            Unfortunately, they had to close because they weren’t getting enough business ToT
            (Not that I was single-handedly keeping that business afloat or anything. Tho it felt like that because of how often I frequented that shop lol) 


            nooo I can't choose! But probably like... mango tea with blueberry popping boba, though one time I had fresh, properly made korean strawberry milk with strawberry popping boba and.... oh. my. god... BEST drink EVER


Ayo, I apologize for ghosting you. It’s been a rough couple weeks. Everything’s okay but I’m finding myself a little creatively sapped. I’m hitting a massive wall of writer’s block with this RP, but I would like to keep role playing with you since you’re a good writer and I really do like Alice ^^ 
          With that out of the way, would you be interested in doing another scenario? If so, what sort of scenario would you like to do? 


            Alice on the verge of tears for once because he called the cat evil... all reason goes out of the window when a sad looking raggedy cat comes into play....


Glad you like it! I’ll get started on an opening right now ^^


Ofc ofc lol 
            And Bakugou’s just pouting the entire time subconsciously thinking— “you like that mangy thing better than me!” 