
♡ i wanted to ask if anyone has any ideas for an applyfic or roleplay, i think it’ll be a fun way to start wattpad back up again :) if you do, drop em below ! If I like it maybe we can collab on it !
          	- ☁︎


♡ so I’ve been thinking , how about I start up an applyfic? how many people would be interested in that sorta thing? usually I don’t get many applicants on those sorta things, so just a general question.
          ♡ happy saint patricks day!! 
          - ☁︎


            Happy saint Patricks day!


hi friends!
          ♡ a few profile updates. book covers. bio decor. profile banner. kokomi profile pic cause she’s so pretty <33
          ♡  im going to be more active now. im super excited to be back!
          ♡ i apologize for those of you who have been waiting for me to update My Best Mistake. i just put out the rest of the chapters, so enjoy :)
          have a lovely day,


            It’s ok take your time
            You too!


Hello friends!
          so, I’ve been very inactive on this account recently and it feels like a mess . I decided to clean it up with a fresh start. My books will be unpublished for the time being EXCEPT FOR My Best Mistake and my short stories collection. I will stay on this account, but changes will be made. 
          Thank you!


If you were killed I wouldn't be at your funeral 
          I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed you
          We are true friends
          We ride together, we die together 
          Send this to message everyone you care about 
          I want you to know that you're an amazing friend till death and forever 
          Once you read this
          You must send this to 15 people; including me if you want 
          If you get at least 3 replies back you know that you're greatly loved
          At midnight the person you love will realise they love you 
          At 1:00/2:00 am get ready for the shock of your life 
          If you break the chain you will be ugly in one year 
          Tomorrow two people will ask you for your number
          Send this to 15 people you care about or you'll have bad luck for a year


I love your Kaori icon, and Your Lie In April was so sad...


@MOONBAMI its okay lol. I already heard spoilers haha


@-cloudxs- Oh! I hope I haven't spoiled anything, though. I won't say anything else about it.


Hi All!!
          So , huge announcement. I know Ive kinda been inactive recently, but Im glad to say that im working on a new original story!
          Throughout the next few weeks, ill be dropping some info on the book if you are interested!