
If someone read this, which is very unlikely, do you prefer love or fame? 
          	And ofc I’m not gonna judge you so plz be honest!


Love I could not survive without at least one person telling me the loved me or even liked me I’d fall into that hole otherwise and I hate that so yh 


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@ -depressedsunflower-  Late but love. Cause Fame is not reliable but love is. I prefer having people that love me even if I fuck up that fame only in the good moments. 


@-depressedsunflower- This is gonna sound weird but probably fame. only because i can pursue what i would love to do and find love while doing this.


If someone read this, which is very unlikely, do you prefer love or fame? 
          And ofc I’m not gonna judge you so plz be honest!


Love I could not survive without at least one person telling me the loved me or even liked me I’d fall into that hole otherwise and I hate that so yh 


this message may be offensive
@ -depressedsunflower-  Late but love. Cause Fame is not reliable but love is. I prefer having people that love me even if I fuck up that fame only in the good moments. 


@-depressedsunflower- This is gonna sound weird but probably fame. only because i can pursue what i would love to do and find love while doing this.