
I really want a blueberry donut


My grandmother called me today and well... here's our convo:
          Her: Are you ok? I worry about you sometimes.
          Me: I'm fine, why?
          Her: Well. You're a loner at times and nobody tries to get in. People push you away when you need to talk.
          Me: Everything's fine. Yeah, I am a loner but still...
          Her: Are you with your Mom?
          Me: Yeah ,why?
          Her: Call me when you're not. 
          Me: Ok but why not now?
          Her: Because you're trying to hide it from her. Chloe, I know what's going on. Your Mom will try to send you away if she finds out things. I love you, bye.
          Me: Bye.
          So, my mom doesn't even know what's going on but my grandmother does. That's just fucked up. But you know what, at least my grandparents don't call me crazy or try to hit me when they found out things.


I've been watching TheFineBros Teen React videos and funny thing is, those kids know what's going on. Parents don't. I was cleaning out my garage yesterday and I set down a pack of razors in the tool box we have. Ok, so. I walking back into the house and my mom was still in the garage so she saw me with the razors. And  last night, she walked into my room and went through me stuff while I was sleeping. I have a camera set up on my computer at night so I know what happens and she found some of my old suicide notes I wrote weeks ago. She doesn't trust me now and she still thinks I'm abnormal. She doesn't understand that I'm not the only one. Yes, I am suicidal but no it isn't because of the kids at school. Its because of her. When my other mom found out I cut, she tried to slap me. As if that isn't enough. I left school and switched to a different school because of having two moms. No one would go near me because they thought I was a lesbian just like my moms. I just want it all to end. But,then again, ending it causes more pain. Not only for me but for everyone else. I'm just done with the bullying and crap. I have no clue if I should keep fighting or fall on the ground and beg for mercy. I just don't know anymore.


Read from bottom up. 
          Liam_Payne93 @DeepSeaDrumming 
          Hey love um the bow and I and the Tomlinson sisters Danielle Eleanor and Perrie all do not want to be verified. It just give us the chance to talk to everyone. 
          Oh. That makes since now. Sorry for being such a "carrot".DeepSeaDrumming
          DeepSeaDrumming@Nyokathegreat Oh ok! I sorry for judging! I just didn't think they had Wattpad's and plus, there would be a check mark by their names like@WesleyStromberg.
          Nyokathegreat@DeepSeaDrumming it's really him he just has been going through a lot lately so he hasn't gotten around it
          See, I cannot tell if this is really you because 19 hours ago you were on and you haven't changed your biography to having 6 sisters and 1 brother (other than the 1D boys).
          My life is complete!