
first time i've opened this app in 5 months
          	won't b active 4 a while now, follow me on pin + twt @473625one and add me on discord @maple 0_o #3869 if u wanna keep up w me. luv u guys <33


@-fabul0us- neat ill add u on discord lmao


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im freaked the fuck out rn. i think someone is hacking my phone or something. so today i was watching yt videos and i got a notification that all my apps were going to be shutting down in five minutes, which is weird because each one of my apps i can use for three hours (my mom put a lotta restrictions on my phone as of recent) so there would be no reason for all them to be off, specially cuz i had only been on youtube for 1 hour. my mom wasnt home so i didnt ask about it, and they never turned off. wtf???? i also got a notification this evening that said my apple id and phone number were being used for a new mac. my mom has my messages on her laptop and she said she didnt update it or anything and she hadnt been on it all day. im so fuckin scared. i havent been doing shit on my phone cuz my parents deleted all my socials, so idk how this is happening. is it because i changed my apple id password?? i wrote it down in my notes and im going to delete it and change it in the morning, i cant do it tonight because my parents would call me paranoid and take my phone away/look through it. which wouldnt be so bad if they looked through it, bc we might find out whats wrong then. idk, but im hella terrified.


@Hedgehogladdie429 good to know im not alone lmao. luckily im not as freaked out as i was b4, ive calmed down a bit. i almost puked though so


@-fabul0us- oof that is scary. I had a similar experience with my email and I had to go ask my tech advisor at school about it. And he said someone hacked my password. He simply changed it for me but yeah, it can be terrifying.