
i’m sorry if i take a step back from updating for a week or two. i’ve just had a really tough year so far (for numerous reasons) and now i’m going through a breakup which feels like the icing on the cake. i’ll promise to update yesterday and TBOAAF soon i just need some time to focus me for a bit <3


@-flowermoons you do you boo hope you feel better soon and everything goes okay at some point


i’m sorry if i take a step back from updating for a week or two. i’ve just had a really tough year so far (for numerous reasons) and now i’m going through a breakup which feels like the icing on the cake. i’ll promise to update yesterday and TBOAAF soon i just need some time to focus me for a bit <3


@-flowermoons you do you boo hope you feel better soon and everything goes okay at some point


i’m getting all four of my wisdom teeth out in half an hour. and everyone has told me ‘good luck’ and it’s really making me nervous. has anyone had a good experience? 


@Peters_suit_lady thank you so much for your comment it comforts me so much knowing it’s not that bad even after the surgery. but being awake wasn’t so bad while having it done. i think because i’m just an anxiety riddled person i made it seem worse than it actually was. but my bottom wisdom teeth had a little bit issues because one of the roots broke. 


@charliesluv thank you for sharing your experience it really puts me at ease about after having it done. i’ve just came out of the dentist and even though i look like a chipmonk the experience of being awake through the surgery isn’t as scary as it seemed now that it’s over.


For me the hardest thing was the limit to things I was eating. I was still up and walking around but I was only fatigued because I lacked nutrients. The surgery wasn’t bad either. They put me on the chair then they put in the anesthesia and then boom next second I was in the car. So it’s only nerve wrecking because I hadn’t done the actual procedure before. You should be okay! 