
currently working on a harry hook fanfic, who wants dts! 




UPDATE: my best friend and crush are now chatting... wtf. i told my friend that its him or me and she chose him. just great.


@-greyhearts I’m so sorry love that’s not a friend 


@-greyhearts  I'm so sorry. If you wanna talk, I'm here.


can someone please tell me me how to get over somebody. i found out my best friend and crush both like eachother, when they both know i like him. its just crazy how she knows im at the lowest moment of my life and she can do that to me.


@-greyhearts ur too good for them pooks!


            I'm really sorry... That's awful! I would try to get some space for a few days and try to get my mind off the crush. Try to find someone else to think about. Also, maybe have a chat with her and explain how much that hurt you. If she still is a bit mean, don't bother.
            I've never been in a situarion like that, but I think that first, you should try with reason. If  that doesn't work, put both of them aside.
            I hope that this helps!


            omg im so sorry … i hadn’t had a crush in a while so i might not be great help, but i always let food solve my problems :sob: im sorry for this … horrible advice