
               ── Marcellus B. Galliard ── 
          	                            [   TAKE 2   ]
          	                      ❛  the guilty hero  ❜


 ─ ALL relationships will be restarted 


   ─  replies will be very selective 


      uncle  marcel !             phew-       i  found  you.              jeez,         i've  been  lookin'  for  you  all  day !


    bleh,     history...     


   ₊˚ˑ  —  pffft.     boring  family,     huh ?       have  you  ever  looked  into  family  history ?       yours is quite interesting.     especially with the grice side.
            °⌜   @-urfavboi     ⌟°


      yeah well,     i have a boring family.


   i think this is the first time i've seen you out of that office if yours in days. it's nice to see your face in natural light for once.


   (   reiner couldn't help but shake his head, arms lowering onto the railing of the balcony. he thought about how he should go about replying to such a question. especially since it was coming from marcel. it would be utterly embarrassing to say the wrong things to such an important figure. 
                  reiner cleared his throat before opening his mouth once again. for a moment, nothing came out. then he shut it again. his fingers gently tapping against the wood. [ damn it... ]. his ember eyes dropped from the brunette, now set on the land below them.   )    i  guess, i got worried when i didn't see you in your office. the only other thing i could think of was that you were having a smoke break. and it seems my assumption was correct.


   ₊˚ˑ  —  [   another lighthearted chuckle filled the air at that statement.    reiner wasn't too far off from that description.    in fact,     he might be right on.      marcel did look as if you died and came to life.         which he did in a way.      just never came back.         with that being said,       he was completely unaware of his looks.      he had no care in the world to look in a mirror.       what a dreadful invention.     ]
                    [      it wasn't a mystery that reiner soon drew closer,     his looming presents brought any overwhelming feeling of guilt the closer they were.    ]   see ?      what did i say ?       quite the humor.      [         eventually, Marcel carried his head up to face the blonde.     sure it was just as painful as all the other times, but it was the least he could do.    look at him while he's speaking.    simple.     ]        so, what caused you to wander all the way out here ?      hm ?
            °⌜    @reirbrn     ⌟°


    (   the much bigger man had his eyes fixed on marcel. slowly trailing to the hand in which held the cigarette, watching as they lowered it away. it felt like ages since the last time they spoke. not as comrades, or war and vice chief. no. just as marcel and reiner. 
                  he was hesitant at first to get closer, to even take one small step closer. but he mustered up the strength to proceed just that. after all, there may not be another chance to in the first.   )       i'm being completely serious. even though you look like you've just awoken from a casket, i'd say, or at least in my opinion, it's a fine sight to see you outside.


        how long did you think you could hide such a thing ?            this is vital information !       humanity good have benefited from this. 


     huh ?      why wouldn't you want that ?


   ₊˚ˑ  —  what if i don't /want/ to survive.
            °⌜   @megamiiz    ⌟°


     this isn't helping your situation. if you want to survive, your best bet is to tell us what you know.