
// go report @ ayyyyemacarena- bc this user is spreading a LOT of hate and harassment 


the nephilim looked up and smiled brightly when he saw Becca walk into the bunker. “ becca, hello! “ he chirped, getting to his feet to greet her. “ it’s nice to see you—! “ 


            ( oop forgot to tag u )


his arms felt so safe , so warm .   so protective .   she just sniffled again , never ever wanting to leave this safety .   “ but they’re always arguing about us , “ she whispered .   “ about james an’ i .   about our grades an’ just . . .   everything .   and even when they’re home , mom is usually working and dad is usually yelling at someone on the phone . “   she let out a mumbled sigh at the nephilim .    “ i think i’m gonna jus’ move in here .   it’s better here anyway than with my parents . “


jack easily wrapped the girl into his arms and rested his chin on the top of her head, holding her tight. “ i don’t think they hate you, “ he said softly into her hair, swaying her gently in an attempt to soothe her. “ they love you, both of you. they’re just...not being very attentive at the moment. “ he frowned, holding her tighter. “ but i’m here. and dean and sam and cas, they’re all here. we’re not going anywhere. “ 


The man walks in, his metal arm ripped off as his flesh one grasps his bleeding abdomen. He’s having trouble staying conscious as he leans against the doorframe, sweat beading his forehead as his chest heaves slightly in an attempt to catch his breath. “‘lo...?” 


(( @-metalmemories ))
            becca heard the door shut and looked up from where she was busy doing her homework. who could that be? she picked herself up and paced into the entry hall. her face went white. “dad! oh my god!” she ran forward, seeing his metal arm had been ripped off and he was bleeding. “oh my god.” what was she to do? she’d seen her parents patch each other up countless times. she had to help. “uh... okay. uhm, okay okay. let’s... let’s go to the kitchen and then we can work on... on this.”


ce message peut être offensant
"This is bullshit. I'm not just gonna sit here and wait with my thumbs up my ass while Dad is probably out there somewhere, hurt," James said as he moved around his room packing his duffle bag. "If no one is gonna do anything, I am.  I'll bring him back myself if I have to, but I'm not just gonna sit here and do nothing when we don't even know if he's dead yet."


(( @youngbqrnes ))
            “like hell i’d let you go alone,” she retorted and shrugged. “i’m already packed.” she paused. “james, before we do anything else, just... don’t you dare die on me, alright?” she quirked a little smile but she was truly afraid of losing her little brother to this mission. it was her job to protect him. she couldn’t watch him get hurt. “you also do realize we’ll be grounded until we’re out of the house once we get back?” her grin widened as she teased him. “come on. let’s go get dad back.”


"Hey, you know what? With all due respect to Mom and Uncle Steve, I really don't give a damn what anyone else is doing!" James snapped as he whirled around to face his sister. "This is what /I'm/ doing. Yeah, we're kids, but our parents also happen to be a trained assassin and a SHIELD agent, I think I'll be okay," he muttered, sliding on his jean jacket. "If you don't wanna come with me, that's fine, but I'm going."


(( @youngbqrnes ))
            rebecca sighed heavily as she leaned against the doorway and shook her head. “james, mom explicitly told us not to do anything like /this/. uncle steve and the rest of the team are already out there looking for him. we’re just kids, james!” she shook her head. “listen, i know you’re worried about dad and so am i, but what if you got hurt? or worse? that’s hydra out there!”


" becca, hello! it's nice to see you. how are you? "
          // this is so basic good god, i'm soRRY


(( @socalledevil ))
            “oh, that’s fun.” she offered another smile. “oh, i’m just reading harry potter.” she glanced at his plastic grocery bags. “need help? i have nothing else to do. well... i mean, you obviously don’t need help, you’ve got it, i was just wondering...” oh lord, she was making a fool of herself again. 


" things are good, " jack smiled, shoving his free hand into his pocket. " i was just making my way home from a grocery run, " he said, lifting the plastic grocery bag in his hand slightly for emphasis. " what book are you reading? "


            // ITS OKAY BB
            the girl looked up from her book and a smile spread across her lips as she saw the other. “hi.” she had been quietly hoping she’d run into him again. “i’ve been good. busy, but good. how about you? how’s everything going?”