
Can anyone recommend some REALLY good Kpop fics? I’m bored asf and I want to read something, but I don’t know what.


@linguinialfredo I’m really late for replying to this but thanks! I’ll read em


@-liverpasta- check out my God Tier Stories reading list on my profile, it's all the BEST OF THE BEST that I have read and there's fics from multiple fandoms <3


Can anyone recommend some REALLY good Kpop fics? I’m bored asf and I want to read something, but I don’t know what.


@linguinialfredo I’m really late for replying to this but thanks! I’ll read em


@-liverpasta- check out my God Tier Stories reading list on my profile, it's all the BEST OF THE BEST that I have read and there's fics from multiple fandoms <3