
...I don’t know what to do with this account anymore. I just feel like I want to quit. I unpublished all of my books because of insecurity and crap, it felt more like I wanted to delete them so I can start a new... but how could I delete some of my books where I have put all my blood, sweat, and tears on it? And so I contemplated and in the end, I ended up deleting TWA and Hero, leaving WN which is the only thing that had an achievement where all of my hardwork is... I really wanted to delete it because... I’m already tired of looking at my account and remembering all the things that happened to me all throughout the years. I don’t want to remember any of it so I wanted to ask you guys... Should I delete WN which is a story that won the Wattys 2016? I don’t know... I just feel really lost right now...


@writing-a-sunset I agree. Things can change and only time will tell. So there isn't any need to stress over it right now. You'll know what to do when you're ready.


@-lyancy hm, i say keep it for now, and when you're really sure on whether you want it or not, make your decision then. if you get rid of it now, you might regret it later, so just give it some time, unless you're really sure


...I don’t know what to do with this account anymore. I just feel like I want to quit. I unpublished all of my books because of insecurity and crap, it felt more like I wanted to delete them so I can start a new... but how could I delete some of my books where I have put all my blood, sweat, and tears on it? And so I contemplated and in the end, I ended up deleting TWA and Hero, leaving WN which is the only thing that had an achievement where all of my hardwork is... I really wanted to delete it because... I’m already tired of looking at my account and remembering all the things that happened to me all throughout the years. I don’t want to remember any of it so I wanted to ask you guys... Should I delete WN which is a story that won the Wattys 2016? I don’t know... I just feel really lost right now...


@writing-a-sunset I agree. Things can change and only time will tell. So there isn't any need to stress over it right now. You'll know what to do when you're ready.


@-lyancy hm, i say keep it for now, and when you're really sure on whether you want it or not, make your decision then. if you get rid of it now, you might regret it later, so just give it some time, unless you're really sure


Me and @wynterette is actually working on a story about Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir! So if you’re ever interested, just chat below!! :D


@Amy1567 That’s great to hear! Now I feel more motivated to write it ;)


@MistTeenAGurl Yup! I'm all caught up on all the episodes so far! I'm really excited because you love it too!


@Amy1567 OMG YOU LOVE MLB AMY?!?! How did I not know this??? o_O


It’s double update time! Two Worlds Apart would always be having double updates as soon as I finished two chapters, and in this case, I finished Prologue and Kent’s Email! I hope you liked the revised versions! Updates on TWA is not accurate because I’m really busy with college and I only write when I have free time. So for now, I am not yet certain when the next update will happen, but see you guys then! :)




@-lyancy (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ You got this


Chapter 1 of TWA is almost finished and will be published tomorrow! I still need to edit the chapter because tbh, I must say that I think I grew RUSTY at writing?
          Imagine yourself: Taking a break from wattpad, not writing for so long, and then suddenly you're gonna start writing again. Yep. Rusty. LOL.


@GeekoTreecko yep! Definitely doing that right now!! :D


I like to think it's one of those things you need to maintain. Yknow like muscle training. Theres a certain kind of memory involved of actions. I'm guessing orchestrating a story is one of them


I'm probably gonna unpublish Two Worlds Apart and start anew. The phone where I held the whole plot was lost when I was trying to ride the bus so... as careless and clumsy as I ever be, I lost it. The memory card where all of my files were in that phone and I'm literally crying...! I have to restart every story I have and I wish I'll remember most of the plot that I have wrote. T_T


@MistTeenAGurl Oh no! That's too bad. But knowing you, you'll probably come up with a spectacular story in the end.  Think of it as turning over a new leaf