
I'm sorry, your support means everything though, I love you guys <3


So glad I took a trip back here to see this, thank you so much that means a lot to me, I have left yes but tbh this was a big and great part of my life and I enjoyed writing for people so much, thank you for being there and supporting me through my time of writing on watt pad, you and your writing is just as  amazing ❤️xxx




@Jsueixjsjjdjxxj It's time for a change, I'm really sorry, I think this is what's best but thank you for all your support it means everything to me xx


Please don't!!


So what I'm going to do is restart.
          That sounds scary but I think it's for the best.
          I'm going to unpublish all my books and I'm going to change my username and it's completely your decision if you decide to stay supporting me or not. I will completely be fine with it if you want to unfollow me.
          I have so many reads on so many of my Books. I've been overwhelmed at times at how much you love my writing because makes me feel worth something.
          I don't mind if you steal any of my ideas from any of my books, it's the least I can do. But please respect that I have worked hard on my writing, even though I'm not proud of most of it, and I wouldn't appreciate it if you took my actual writing and claimed it as your own.
          I'll probably be changing things around and un-publishing in the next week or so, so if you want to read any of my writing again, you have a chance. 
          It's going to be so wired not reading any comments and erasing everything but I really hope you respect my decision and stick by me. 
          I have some great ideas for everything and I really hope you're going to like the true and meaningful writer I can be.
          Thank you so much for everything, this feels like my second family and I love every single one of you for making me so happy ❤
          I was going to post this on my conversations originally but nothing was working because I couldn't get on my email to activate and confirm my account. So some of you may not know about the changes that are going to happen. That's why I'm posting this on here as well because everything's sorted now. I'm sorry I haven't been replying to your messages either, it's for the same reason, but if you have any questions about this then please don't be scared to message me, I love talking to you.
          Soon I'll be back writing and i'll be like a new wrtiter.
          Thank you for everything thus far.
          - Molly xx
          (PART 2)


@littlewritertale thank you for reading then <3


@3Jaspar3 Thank you for making this post and thank you for writing your stories.


I don't know if this is going to be easy or hard to write.
          I guess I should start by saying I'm sorry. As you've probably seen my writing has been slacking and I haven't been posting.
          I'm stuck on this one shot book and my jaspar book 'don't tell me it's my fault'.
          I'm out of ideas and that's never actually happened before. I've been going through a lot recently and my mind has been preoccupied and I'm really sorry. 
          What confuses me is that I have ideas for other things. 
          I want my writing to be more personal and I want you to really feel a connection between the writing and yourselves. And right now I don't think I've done that with any of my books. And maybe that's because they're about ships, I don't know.
          I'm not proud with a lot of my writing. But I've learnt from it and I've developed. And now I think I want to take my writing to the next level by writing something completely of my imagination. Not about ships. Not about Jaspar.
          I think I was scared about writing something that's completely mine. Thinking about characters and what they look like, their personalities, so I used jaspar and tronnor. I guess I was hiding as well. 
          I want to take more time on my writing and I want it to be more poetic.
          I love fan fiction. I love reading it and I think it's amazing to write about it, but I just don't think it's for me anymore.
          I want 2017 to be my year and I want to put 110% effort into any piece of writing. And I've not been putting in my best efforts. I've just been posting because I've felt like I've had to. I've been posting for your benefit and that's why I can't think of any ideas now. 
          (PART 1)




Thank youuu lovely ❤️


Aww, thank you so much this just made my birthday 100x better and put a massive smile on my face (even though my birthday's nearly over). Yes, we definitely need to talk more! I love your writing too, and your humour! You deserve all of your 500+ followers, love you 2 Xx