
// i forgot about her omg


// headcanons below! (technically they are canon because I decided so) DNR here (reply in separate threads)


/ more tba as I think of them 


- excellent cook and enjoys cooking with all her heart. If she has the opportunity to feed someone she gladly will
            - mom/big sister friend vibes 
            - probably a passenger princess but loves cars in the sense of design 
            - extroverted ambivert situation 


- shortens her name to Kriti often, but will absolutely melt if someone uses her name as it is 
            - speaks Hindi (first language), English (second), Punjabi and Marathi 
            - favourite accessories are earrings hands down, she could wear anything and still pair it with her go-to jhumkas 
            - has a huge sweet tooth 
            - clumsy on the daily, trips over literal air but has the balance of a flamingo when wearing heels 


Warm brown eyes twinkled with a dream: a singular star that stood out against the many ponderings of a child’s mind, with her slate still resting against her folded legs. It held the scribbled drawing of perhaps her very first design, and with it the kindling of a lifelong passion. 
          But young girls from small towns don’t dream. They study and study well, always…always listen to their parents when it comes to the future. After all, it’s their wisdom that kept her naive self alive, right?
          At the age of eighteen, something in the good, sad girl snapped, and Sanskriti rebelled. Dropping her preparation to go to college and instead moving out of her familial home altogether. It caused a big rift between her and her family, leaving them far from speaking terms. Her parents cut all ties with her, refusing any form of support in hopes she would give up and come back to them. 
          Yet she persevered. Alone in the cold, dazzling city, was when she learned to give wings to her work. Years of struggle eventually culminated in success, as they say purity and hard work is always rewarded. Now twenty four years old, still a tender age in the industry, Sanskriti is a name at  the forefront when it comes to designers not only in India…but slowly gaining repute on the global scene, always eager to do her best for her clients