
did literally nobody see my last message 


@-ravenous  Ah, gotcha, that makes sense. No worries! :)


i apologize for my impatience ahaha


@flamesword01 @Bindi2018 sometimes wattpad doesn’t send notifications so i was just wondering whether or not anyone would see it. 


did literally nobody see my last message 


@-ravenous  Ah, gotcha, that makes sense. No worries! :)


i apologize for my impatience ahaha


@flamesword01 @Bindi2018 sometimes wattpad doesn’t send notifications so i was just wondering whether or not anyone would see it. 


if the destiny of three took place in the late 1800’s, what would you rename heirsa? 
          this isn’t a silly riddle i actually need answers lol.


@-ravenous  No problem! I'm glad to be of assistance! :)


@flamesword01 thank you, also i appreciate you being my messenger bird. 


@-ravenous  Sorry for the spam, but they're really spaced out. XD  Sila suggested Edward.


to anyone who’s been wondering about me (i doubt anyone has been) 
          i have a dog now. i’m absolutely thriving in quarantine. i’ve taken up digital art. my hair is growing and mom won’t let me cut it again. i’m drinking a third of the coffee i used to. i’m watching way too much anime. i quit my job. i’m never on my old pinterest account anymore. i have a pen pal. i still peak into discord to read our old role-play every now and again and cringe at my characters. i’m angry about a few things but life is good. 
          now for the stuff you maybe care about; my writing. so one or two of you might know that i’ve been working on an anime fanfic on a second account, and you probably all know that i’ve lost interest in all my other works. that includes the destiny of three. i might come back to it in ten years and actually want to work on it, but i don’t count on that happening. 
          today i got a random idea and started writing but as far as i know i won’t be sharing it on here. 
          i’m tempted to unpublish 99% of my works because it just makes my account look messy and it frustrates me but i probably won’t.
          i hope you’re all doing well, staying safe. God bless. 


@-ravenous   Aww, Kit, I still care about you, just haven't been able to interact much at all because...y'know. But I'm really glad to hear about the new things you're picking up, and if writing ever falls by the wayside completely, that's really not a bad thing! You're young, and in my opinion, at least, one of the best things about youth is the opportunity to try a lot of new things with relatively few consequences . If something, anything, doesn't suit you and make you happy, please don't feel pressure from outside to continue if you truly don't want to. :) 
            But anyway, again, I'm really glad to hear you're enjoying life for the most part, because again, I care about you as a friend, and whatever you decide to do in life, I support you and wanna back you up. :)  Don't make this falcon put on pom-poms to make the point. XD  
            Anyway, God bless, 


          when given a sum of money to buy a gift for another member of the squad:
          arigael: spends the money on craft supplies and proceeds to hand make a unique gift for every single member of the squad. 
          hani: sticks the money in her jacket pocket and forgets about it until a month later when yaron asks to borrow a few bucks.
          emary: puts it in an envelope and puts it on songs’s desk for him to find later.
          kamber: uses the money to fund a concert in her dad’s honour.
          song: buys cigarettes and gunpowder. (wow look at him so edgy buhuhuhuhjhskamaksk)
          yaron: buys a pack of gum for himself and loses the change, then wraps the gum in wrapping paper and gives it to kamber because he feels guilty. 


@-ravenous  Oh my word, that's great! I love them all! Gotta love the edginess! XD


i’m inactive on here cuz wattpad has become an irritant instead of a salve. 


@-ravenous  Oh man, I can definitely see how that'd be frustrating. I'm sorry, bro. *virtual back pat*  No worries, I'm the one who opened that can of worms, and I'm a falcon, not a robin. :P


@flamesword01 i don’t mean to sound irritated at you, since it’s nobody’s fault. this isn’t really something i know how to explain. and it’s been bothering me for a while. 


@flamesword01 you had to ask.
            first, all the notifications i get are either announcements from accounts i don’t care about (and should have unfollowed a long time ago) or updates in stories i should have read ages ago. my list of “to be read” keeps growing and growing and i have less then 0 motivation to sit down and read. i see all the works i used to enjoy writing in but have long since lost interest in. it’s discouraging to have so many works in progress i don’t care about anymore but used to love so much. i’m starting to feel that writing isn’t for me. 


can u believe that Jesus suffered every single bit of darkness and sin in the world for all time being nailed into his hands and feet for the sake of us?
          isn’t that just so incredible? i can’t get over how awesome our God is. and we are so insignificant, but it’s so beautiful to be insignificant so that God can be all-significant.


@-ravenous  Oh my word, A M E N ! That's so beautiful! :)


This. This right here. Yes. I just. Y e s. 


happy birthday to the myth and the legend, @flamesword01. you inspire greatness in all those around you, simply with your own lack of greatness. 
          i’m joking, you’re awesome and you know i love you. 


@-ravenous  Exactly! You could do this all day. XD


@flamesword01 i can’t just STOP insulting you, it’s my trademark you know. 


@-ravenous  Oh my word, thank you so much, my fellow avian! I love you too, even when you're insulting me to death! XD