
this message may be offensive
moving in with my fiance and another guy I've had a threesome with, who is also trying to get with my mom...my life has turned into a fucking episode of Jerry springer. 


Hi. If you want take a look at my new book!!!  You won't regret it I can promise.  If you're going to be able to finish the story without a broken heart and tears in your eyes that I can't promise anymore.


why the hell are there 12-15 year olds reading and writing erotica on here? that's disgusting


@Last_Apprentice it seems we've found the link that got me to finding you. 


            I do. I didn't know you did, too, haha.


@Last_Apprentice oh dang you know smookie too?


I say I'm good with budgeting my money and yet i am not, in fact, good with my money at ALL. or maybe it's because having a savings account under 1000 gives me very bad anxiety. in my mind, I'm pregnant and moving out December 6th, so I should be saving money. I the other half of my mind, I shouldn't be stressing out about it because I have time and even when I do move out and in with my fiance, rent is low and tax season will be coming up. I am simply getting what I need rn so I don't have to buy any clothes later bc I'll already have everything I need. 
          so as soon as I move out, that stops. 


@Torkuda no I'm saying i should be saving because of me being pregnant lol, thank you very much


@-smookie- Well- pregnant is not a condition that typically saves money as I understand- but still, home cooking #1 way to save money. Wishing you luck.