
#  |  cb   &&    specify party    rockers in   the   house    tonight    


/  SPAM  HERE  AND  MAEVE  drop  on  tobias  and  klaus  perchance


#  |  cb   &&    specify party    rockers in   the   house    tonight    


/  SPAM  HERE  AND  MAEVE  drop  on  tobias  and  klaus  perchance


is  that  you  /  flirting  /  ?


this message may be offensive
oof  .  now  /  that  /  makes  you  an  asshole  .  but  thank  you  ,  i  appreciate  it  .  you're  not  too  bad  yourself  .


( @handledslice )  no,    it’s me  deciding to compliment   you in  a    very   sly  way    that   makes    me    look    like    an    assh*le.


it  gave  me  a  sick  scar  ,  though  .  right  ?
          /  talking  abt  the  barn  fight  ++  i  just  realized  lilas  face  in  your  banner  im  laughing


no  ,  seriously  .  i  can  say  i  survived  an  /  actual  /  murder  attempt  .  everything  else  was  weak  .  c  '  mon  ,  lighten  up  !  your  life  is  totally  interesting  .


( @handledslice )  doesn’t    differentiate   between   any  of   your   other    ones, but  whatever   helps  you    sleep   at   night,    kris.


i  don't  need  rest  ,  i  need  to  fix  this  .


so  /  now  /  you  wanna  talk  about  being  reasonable  ?  look  ,  i  '  m  doing  it  whether  you  '  re  there  or  not  .  so  ,  are  you  coming  ?


( @handledslice )  wouldn’t   it be   more    effective for you if you get a  good  night   sleep    (…)  like   any  reasonable   person?    


this message may be offensive
i  waited  for  you.  for  seventeen  years,  everyday.  when  everyone  thought  you  were  dead,  i  held  out  hope.  so  you  don't  get  to  treat  me  like  a  piece  of  sh*t!  (  she  crossed  her  arms  and  stared  at  him,  rage  seeping  into  her  voice.  )  you  missed  a  lot.  you  don't  get  to  act  like  you  know  me  or  /  anything  /  i  went  through.  dad  used  to  hit  me  for  missing  you!  (  her  voice  was  shaky,  but  raised.  she  never  snapped  on  her  brothers.  this  was  bad.  )  you  will  /  not  /  scare  me  like  that,  and  you  will  /  not  /  act  like  an  asshole  about  it.  imagine  if  i  left  you.  no  explanation,  nothing.  i  walked  out  at  dinner  and  never  came  back.
          /  chinese  satellite  ++  the  gold,,  she  finally  lost  it  on  him


( @songbirds- )  [   behind his    stone-still  expression,  maeve’s earnest   scolding  made five    feel the  same  way   he   felt   when    he  would   get scolded  by their    father  when  he   was much  younger,  yet  it  didn’t  impact   him    as  much. if   he  was still   his  old   self,   he would   tense  up   like    a  solider,  but    now   it    just    seemed like her   words    were   going   in one    ear   and   out    the  other.  truthfully,  though,   they   weren’t.  five understood    that   maeve was partially  right in    all  categories,    though  he   didn’t   want   to admit    it at   the   time.   ]   i  didn’t  /   ask /  to leave,  maeve.  i    had    every    intention   of coming back,   but   i    couldn’t.  i    told  you   that,  remember? 


this  piece  of  sh*t.  (  she  frowned  looking  down  at  the  player,  fiddling  with  the  vinyl  carefully.  )  ellis  bought  it  for  me,  but  it  doesn't  even  work  that  well.  sorry.  (  she  shook  her  head,  flopping  back  down  on  her  bed.  she  looked  up  at  him,  rolling  on  her  side.  subconsciously,  she  inched  closer  to  him,  resting  her  hands  on  her  stomach  with  a  slight  frown.  )  hope  you're  not  too  disappointed.
          /  "and the record slips,  flip it over,  and sit a little closer"  from lovers rock w season 4 au!!


unless  you  wanna  travel  back  to  the  fifties  and  get  a  good  one  ,  be  my  guest  .  (  she  shook  her  head  ,  rubbing  her  eyes  carefully  )  dunno  .  i  '  ve  never  actually  had  this  much  free  time  on  my  hands  .  (  she  sat  up  carefully  ,  leaning  on  her  elbows  )   we  should  do  something  fun  .  what  do  people  do  ?


( @handledslice )  i’m more   disappointed    that  you    actually  assumed  it   was    a  good   model   rather    than  the  piece of sh*t   interrupting  sinatra.  can’t  really please    everyone,   i  guess.    [  he    shrugged  his    shoulders,  taking in    the   way   she    scooted closer  to him.  he  was   quite    ashamed    to   admit   that it    did make    him   nervous;    it   was  kris:    it    shouldn’t.   it   wasn’t    like   he   hated    the feeling,  but  it annoyed him    greatly that   he  couldn’t   find a    reason   for it. ]  so  (…) what    now?  


#   |   he’s  so  scott  street  coded. five  didn’t   know what   he expected to  see when   he  arrived    back    to  the   present   day from    the apocalypse,    but    he    was rather  disappointed   to    see    how much  everyone had  changed   either for    the   better  or  worse—    especially  his own triplets    who   looked   miserable.    (“and what   about   the band?  you  said, ‘they’re  all  getting    married’”   )   he    had to   feel    out  of touch with everyone, and    since he  was    away  for   so    long,  feeling   like he  missed   ‘everything.’ (   “walking    scott   street,   feeling like  a stranger”    )  his    things  were removed  from    his    side   of  the    room that   he shared    with milo  and  maeve;   vacant   and empty,    as if    he   never    existed,   the only visual   memory of  him    being  his   big  portrait  on    the   wall that was  only  an   imitation   made    by    some  french   painter    his    father   hired   (    anyway,  don’t    be a stranger ).
          anyways,   chat,  cb ++   spec  !  


@-timestuck * spam on emmy and drea and anything ( but maybe krisfive crumbs ) on daisy


/  i do believe i need a cigarette.  spam happy stuff on maeve and kris and anything on tobias