
“If I can love the wrong person this much, imagine how much i can love the right person.”
          	Daisy Kent, the woman you are ❤️


I’m sorry it’s been so long since the last update college is killing me and I’m still trying to develop a routine. 
          I know the next story to be updated will be The Very First Night I just don’t know how soon it will be.
          Sorry again and thank you for your patience ❤️.


I move into college tomorrow and holy hell I’m like nauseous I don’t wanna go anymore


@slut_Damon not tomorrow I'm slow sorry I start this upcoming Monday


@-vhagars I start college tomorrow and it's very nerve racking that I'm actually doing it, if you ever need anybody to talk to I'm here np<333
            you've got this!!!


of** not or 


readers of The Very First Night:
          I'm hoping to get an update out soon, but I'm struggling with what direction I want the next few chapters to go. Would you guys prefer. . .
          A. Marjorie's past and relationship with her brother
          B. growing connection between Marjorie and Hotch
          I kinda am leaning towards A, but I know a lot of you guys are here for the romance so just let me know what you want.


@JessycaHill thank you cause I still didn’t know what to do lol


I’m thinking A, I know this is late lol but I just thought I’d comment. Especially since there were no other comments


regarding ATELOPHOBIA....
          i spent the last couple weeks going back and editing past chapters. i realized a big reason for my lack of motivation was that while writing act one, i was trying so hard to please my readers that i wasn't writing what i wanted to. 
          lilith is an anti-hero. she starts a villain then works tirelessly for redemption. i made her too sweet and nice early on out of fear of people hating on her. but she's supposed to be evil at first. so please, i encourage you to go back and reread to see that small but significant changes i made throughout act one.
          i am so passionate about this book and i am working on act two now. i'm hoping by next week you'll have a brand new, shiny chapter to read.
          thank u so much.


Hi I don’t mean to rush you or anything but I was wondering when you were going to update very first night like I said no need to rush I love the book.


@KyleNew8 it’s a work in progress


@-vhagars are you going to update your Enid story soon


thanks! to be completely honest with you I don’t have an answer. I’ve been struggling with motivation. I really hope it will be soon, maybe in a week or two