
if anyone needs a good male fc for an apocalyptic-ish fic, kiowa gordon has some really great gifs just fyi


made new covers for “of the right” and “when they come”… mayhaps i’m cooking up a new chapter after like 2 years…


  @ -windsandstars  I agree it's so good oml


I’m late as hell to seeing this but just wanted to say of the right and when they coke is my favorite Glenn fic of all time it’s so hard to find good glenn fics and honestly it’s probably my favorite twd fic too


Oooo girl I’m ready


i just answered this in a comment, but i wanted to let my money trees readers know: while cj and obie were going to be on-and-off for a while, i was planning on having cj and audrey be endgame <3
          if you have any other questions about what i had planned for money trees, feel free to comment them on the fic and i’ll do my best to answer!