
New account is @---NriXaS---


Wow I got my own new user wrong XDD


Hey. Sorry I've not been updating anything, or posting any drawings. I have an explanation for both.
          Drawing, well... I can't bear it anymore. It's too much to handle, especially since I see much better artists everyday and I think, "Wow. i can never be that good." And the truth is... I can't. Even though I love drawing, I'm not good at it at all. Drawing is something my sister is good at. It's frustrating and with all I already deal with I don't need that weighing me down, too.
          Writing is hard, too. I see all my mistakes and I feel embarrassed, so I can't post it. When I do post it, I feel so self-conscious and I have to battle with myself not to take it down.
          I'm sorry. My mental health is declining, and so is my work ethic, and I'm sorry about that. I'm sorry I'm not active. I'm sorry I'm... Not everything I should be, but I'm trying really hard. 


go to the mcfuckin mental hospital or get some meds or smth boi you gotta get some fr e a ki n  help


I feel like the worst person ever. The worst boyfriend ever. My girlfriend is depressed and I don't know what to do, I just get worried and start freaking out and make her worried about me but I DON'T WANT HER TO BE! Maybe I'm doing something wrong... Maybe I'm doing everything wrong... Maybe I'm just... Not good for her...