
@MISTYkinkajou I don't know. I don't deserve them though.


@MARSHAstevenson I don't know but it's okay, she right.


@00Adriana00 why did this person say that


So I finally decided that I do want to become sort of this book reviewer. I'll be posting later this Night and I'm going to give it three days for people to comment or message me if they want me to read there books and give them HONEST opinions. I am in no way a professional. I just want to do this to help out writers because sometimes we need a little feedback to improve ourselves❤️ if you're interested, you know what to do. 


Now that I'm here. I really want to do book reviews. So if any of you want me to read your creations, post a comment on my wallthat sounds weird, haha ya and ask if you want the review and help or just to read it❤️


@00Adriana00 I don't usually do this, but would you like to read one of mine? One of them is a Liam Payne fanfic called "Through the Dark" and my other one is a Zayn Malik fanfic called "Illusion" (the Prologue and chapter I are the only things posted in "Illusion", sorry *sad face*)