
sorry I still haven’t updated guys.. I will soon. School started and I get really bad panic attacks whenever I go, so I’m just exhausted physically and emotionally. I’ll be back to it soon. 


          	  i hope u feel better ur like my favourite aurthur in this whole app


sorry I still haven’t updated guys.. I will soon. School started and I get really bad panic attacks whenever I go, so I’m just exhausted physically and emotionally. I’ll be back to it soon. 


            i hope u feel better ur like my favourite aurthur in this whole app


Hey love I just wanna say I’d really like a sequel to Roxy you played with my heart to much and I cried so much!! Even maybe a few bonus ones if not a sequal - wedding, a little college life, Her telling him she’s PREGNANT, them moving to the beach idc I just need more especially the pregnancy one 


I’m gonna start reading more of your books if there even half as good as this one :) 


OKAY (: INCJLMEODKO I’m actually working on another bonus chapter rn 


Just wanted to let y’all know it’s almost the two year anniversary since I started writing The Abandoned Lovers. Still makes me sick to my stomach knowing that’s my most popular book, but it’s still one of my children and I still love it. Anyway, my next book is also going to come out around December! It’s called “Dear, Lawrence”, and it’s based in 1887. But don’t be scared off by the date! It’s really good so far I promise :) love y’all!