
Who else hates the new wattpad update because I do


@Dare2Dream4eva hey just woke up sorry I'm trying to live it up before school starts and now every time I hear august I think of him and it's sad that have become a wreck because I started reading books and why where you In a long car ride if you don't mind my asking


It's okay. Sorry for not responding, I'm trying to do the same thing. I was coming back from vacation. It was my grandpa's birthday so everyone was going to celebrate. But yeah, all these authors write these characters that make us just cry over them and ugh.


@hazzascurls1D oh my gosh you just reminded me of him and but I saw the movie and the amount of feels was unbearable I can't tell you how often I wish he was a actual person and sorry for the late reply I just woke up


It's fine. Sorry for the late reply I just got back from a long car ride. But yeah, Augustus makes me want to cry because he's pretty much the perfect guy. I wish he lived.