
          My ex? Lol you are upset because of my ex? Interesting. Welp. Mate. If you don't like me. Fight me. I'm glad to take you down along with Jack. Y'all can even do a little tag team against me. I don't care. I'll take on 3 or 7 or 50 I will destroy all that stand in my way. Simple as that 


@Deveritus are you trying to suggest that I am Zilaphar? Why would I waste my time battling him if I was him? Especially since I would have to have been him for 15years of Roleplaying. I've killed 3 of his characters.  Why would I create such a long and detailed lie before you and him even met? There is no reason for such things. Though I think it's funny how just because I have a problem with him. I am automaticly him.


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@10K_Jack Lmfao so what you're telling me is that you're working on information from 2 years ago, plus whatever nerfed (this goes back to not bringing fully developed characters onto a site where you cannot actually show the development of your character) content you see within the tournament recently? Oh yeah, that's some quality information. While at the same time, you're also failing to recognize that the "almighty Zilaphar" failed to mention anything such as effects on his characters prior to the attacks that actually would have been lethal, until it was convenient. That is an auto, since there was no prior clarification. I don't care what ruleset you follow; if someone fails to state something such as, oh I dunno, having immaculate physical defense, throughout the entire fight *until* a lethal physical attack runs off, that is not permissible. Or, did your "log" fail to recognize that? 
          I'm tired of this conversation. I'm tired of this lie you're trying to uphold with this new account, this bullshit excuse for having "reasons" for being Mary Sue/Gary Sue characters all under the pretense that people are just going to *accept* that your characters have reached this point elsewhere and you didn't just *whip it up on the fly*. Have fun fighting yourself, Zilaphar. I'm out.


          Mate. You and 138 others that I haven't killed yet this weekend. But save yourself the time and just back down. The battle hadn't really started so I'll let you run for right now. Besides Zilaphar will come after you. You threatened his mate. Which is the woman I personally love.