Not even joking when I say I forgot to write the last chapter...LOL I’ll update it tomorrow for sure ok! I’m just mad tired since I just filmed HWAA with my dance crew.


Hey! What happened to your stories? I love them! 


@123BTSARMY np! Hope you found a way to get the books back 


Yeah I really don’t think I can’t get them back I’m sorry :( but ty for enjoying my books at the time


@hannahmei18 yeahhhh I wasn’t planning on writing anymore actually  so I’ll try my best to recover the deleted stories


It’s been 2 WEEKS and I’m STILL NOT UPLOADING THIS WEEKEND BECAUSE I HAVE FINALS NEXT WEEK SO YEAH. Even though I know I’ll cheat a majority of it since it’s online LOL, but still I’m going to have to remember some stuff so I don’t waste time flipping around in my notebooks haha. After finals, I promise I’ll be back! Stay safe if rona is still around in your area!


So just a little update! My newest chapter did just release, but I may not update as much for the next couple of weeks!:(. I know for sure I won’t update next week and then I’ll see how my workload is from there. For dance class I have to come up with my own choreography to a song and I have to include editing in the video. I want the choreo and the final video to come out really good, so I’m gonna focus on that! That’s due at the end of the month/finals week. I also have finals like the first week of Feb. So yeah, I know I’m going to have to be prepared for that and I don’t wanna stress myself out. SO YEAH! 


@123BTSARMY it's okay author-nim, you do you (。•̀ᴗ-)✧


When I tell you I haven’t been more pissed...today was my first day back at school and I feel like my break was way too short  and then teachers are already assigning a lot of work...yeah I’m gonna log out of school. LITERALLY SINCE ITS ONLINE.