
פרק נוסף יפורסם בשבוע הקרוב בחול המועד! הישארו מעודכנים


Thank you for adding my story to you list!


@EchoInsanity Thank you so much for sharing, your kind words and lightning my day with a remind of the kind people on this app! I'm currently working on the story and happy to cross you here!


@12Siriusblack12  I had those same fears, that no one was going to read my story. At the very least, I got lucky in that my girlfriend was excited to read it, and since she works difficult hours, it was easy for her to read it on here. And then a few people started reading it, and the feedback has been positive. Which helps. My main goal was to just get Brooklyn's story out of my head, so that maybe i could concentrate on something else.
            Dont let the fear of what people think, stop you from publishing. Do it. Publish it. Send it out into the world, and to hell with the people who don't understand what you are trying to do.


@EchoInsanity It came yp to me by recommended when I read a marvel story and read the background of the story and deiced to go for it as i found it interesting. I don't let the number of the views decide for me if a story is good or not. I try to support writers as much as I can as I as well have a story that didn't blow. I actually right now writing a book from zero and completely diffrent writing skills as I has in the past, and have a fear to publish just yet as one of the reasons being right or wrong momentum. Your story is really great and i feel pitty for the people who didn't get across it, hopfuly it'll happen soon :)