
Boo, I scared you.


this message may be offensive
@1997mad shit I fell down my bed. Don't scare me like thattt.


I just went through your recommendations and I LOVED Flygirl!! It’s the only novel with a character like Gracie from TQV so I was amazed. Do you happen to know of any other books with similar female leads or just any other book you would like to recommend?


@emilyeye Hey!  Sorry i just saw this lol.  Kissing is the Easy Part is a good one I think - The main character Flora has the same "rich girl, pretty and she knows it," boos like aura.  Shes absolutely sweet tho but I love her anyways :)  There's also The Billionaires Treasure - the female part is a bit weak, but I do like her at the start when she's portrayed as really strong.  
            Since its been a while... Do YOU have any recs haha?  I really miss TQV